Siyakhat hotel
 Licence  № 000029   

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    Nisa is the most significant architectural monument located near the city of Ashgabat, in the suburb of the village of Bagyr. It consists of two settlements, the former is Kenenusay (Old Nisa) and the latter is Tazenusai (New Nisa). Both settlements are situated on the fertile plain at the foot of the Kopet Dagh mountains. Nisa is the capital of the famous Parthian King dom that existed for almost 600 years (since the III century ВС up to the III century AD). In the I century AD it was rather a mighty and formidable adversary of Rome. At a distance of 4 km to the North of Old Nisa there is a settlement called Mansur depe that was probably destined as a ritual place. Nisa itself was most likely a kings residence or a religious center. In 224 AD when the dynasty of Arshakid was overthrown the city fell into decay and became deserted. It was restored in the V century by the Sasanid king Firus. In 651 Nisa became part of the Arab Caliphate already as a New Nisa. Before the siege by the Mongols in 1220 it was a big flourish ing city. Having revived after the Mongol invasion, Nisa for a long time was the arena of internecine wars and only in the beginning of the XIX century it became a place of residence of turkmen tekins called Bagyr. Some monuments are situated not far from Nisa, namely the mausoleum of Shikh Alou erected over the grave of the Sufi sheikh Abu All Dakkak (X с.), the Kulmergen kala fortress (XIX с.) and also the mosque of Khalimberdyilshan (the beginning of the XX century), bearing images of the Konnthian style capitals.
Siyakhat is a reliable partner and always guarantees a high class service. We invite you to visit independant neutral Turkmenistan.

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    60a, Gerogly str.,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 744012
Siyakhat hotel
tel./fax: (99312) 344033, 344071

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